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Zone of Proximal Development: An Affirmative Perspective in Teaching ELLs

Learn how collaboration impacts the academic development of English language and multilingual learners.

Knowledge BriefBrief

What Are Social and Emotional Learning and Culturally Responsive and Sustaining Education — and What Do They Have to Do with Critical Race Theory? A Primer

This brief explores the intersections and perceived connections between social and emotional learning, culturally responsive and sustaining education, and critical race theory.


California Professional Standards for Educational Leaders (CPSEL) Updated Tri-Fold Version

This version of the California Professional Standards for Education Leaders is a quick reference most helpful when used with the updated Moving Leadership Standards Into Everyday Work: Descriptions of Practice.

Training MaterialsGeneral Professional Development ToolsToolsResources for Teachers

Scaffolding Writing With the “Teaching and Learning Cycle” for Students in Grades 6–12

This article explains a process through which teachers can scaffold students’ successful writing called the “Teaching and Learning Cycle” to best serve multilingual learners as well as English-proficient students.


Scaffolding Writing Through the “Teaching and Learning Cycle”

Help your students become effective writers through scaffolding and the Teaching and Learning Cycle.

BriefCOVID-19 Response Resource

Self-Care Strategies for Educators During the Coronavirus Crisis: Supporting Personal Social and Emotional Well-Being

Addressed to educators who face the stresses of the pandemic and the resulting school closures and online service provision, this brief offers practical information and guidance on self-care.

Research Method - Impact StudyPlanningStudy

California State Special Education Funding System Study, Part 2: Findings, Implications, and Considerations for Improving Special Education Funding in California

This report explores an in-depth quantitative analyses of California’s system for special education funding and offers evidence-based considerations to help inform state-level decision-making and improve equitable outcomes for students with disabilities.


Infant and Toddler Spaces: Design for a Quality Classroom

This free guide, a collaboration between WestEd’s Program for Infant/Toddler Care (PITC) and Community Playthings, provides practical, research-based information on creating surroundings conducive to high quality infant/toddler group care and education.

ReportPlanningGuidebookResearch and Evaluation

Serving the Whole Person: An Alignment and Coherence Guide for State Education Agencies

This guide helps SEA leaders achieve greater alignment and coherence in their whole-person initiatives through an adaptable and guided process.